Monday, June 13, 2011

A beautiful true story!

There are many films that I like, but I am going to talk about one of these. 
The film is “Siempre a tu lado” in Spanish, but the original title is “Hachiko: A dog`s story”. I saw this film about two years ago with my family. It`s an American drama film, about a true story from Japan.
The film is about a man, who is interpreted by the actor Richard Gere, he is a teacher and his name is Wilson Parker, he has to take the train everyday to go to his job. One day he finds a dog in the train station and he is captivated by the dog and he decides to take the puppy to his home overnight.
The next day Parker thinks that someone is going to be looking for the dog, but nobody does this. A friend of Parker  helps to translate the symbols on the dog’ s collar and they discover that the mane of the dog is Hachiko, he is an Akita, a Japanese dog. Parker decides to take care of the dog and he calls him Hachi. At the beginning his wife doesn`t want to take the dog home but when she sees how her husband plays with him, she decides to accept the puppy, and they adopt him.
Parker and Hachi are very good friends, Hachi goes with his boss every morning to leave him at the train station and in the afternoon Hachi waits patiently  for Parker to go home with him.  One day Parker is working and he suddenly suffers a heart attack and dies. While, Hachi is waiting that the train arrives, but there isn`t sign of Parker. The next day, Hachi returns to the station and waits for a long time… 
Parker´s wife sells the house and Hachi is sent to live with her daughter, but Hachi escapes and goes back to his old house and then to the train station. Years after the wife visits Parker's grave and she sees Hachi waiting at the station. After that the old Hachi has visions of Parker and he dies. The two spirits meet in heaven.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Books, more than words!

Clearly I remember the book that I read for first time, it was “Papelucho Historiador”, I was in the school and the history´s teacher gave us the book, it have been the book most boring that I have read, then when in language we had to read something it was difficult because in this time I didn´t like to read.

Went many years where I read only the books that my teachers send me, I only read for obligation. But when I was fourteen I was in other school and obviously with others teachers and the language´s teacher sent us many book for read, and in this years I knew some authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Fran Kafka, and their books were more interesting for me and I decided to read more books.

When Harry Potter was fashionable, I remember I wanted to read the first book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", it was very entertaining and then I bought the next book, until the fourth. Also I went to the cinema when the film was premiered. These books were the first books that I read because I wanted and not for school obligation.

One of my favorites books is “The perfume” by the germany Paul Suskind, the book is about of a murderer, his mane is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, he was born with a special olfactory sense, and he wants to create the perfume finest of the world, the best scent, which Grenouille finds in a young woman named Laure whom his acute sense of smell finds in a garden.

Also my favorite author is Isabel Allende, I love her books, they are very entertaining, when I start to read some of her books I don’t stop until finish it. The last book that I read was “La isla bajo el mar”, it´s a very good story!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I think that I´m not a sporty person but not sedentary!

But sometimes I practice sports, the most common that I do is swimming because I like it, I practice about once a week. Also I run all the times when I go to the gym, here I spend part of my free time and usually I go to some class like spinning, pilates or aerobox, these are very useful to relax.

The sport that I enjoy practicing is swimming… I remember my parents taught me when I was a child, and I never was afraid, we spent complete vacation on the beach so we were a lot of time in the sea, every day, and then also I had some classes to learn the techniques. I learned when I was very little. After my dad gave me a bodyboard, it was when I was about 12 years old, it was very amusing and I spent a lot of time in the waves with my friends.
(in the photo the swimming pool where I swim).

 Also I like volleyball, I think that is entertaining. But when I was in the school sometimes I played it there and once I received a hit with the ball on all my face, it was very strong it even broke my new glasses. Now I think it was very funny but in the moment I didn´t.

About football,  I don’t like it, I think that is boring, but sometimes I watch the football matches on TV with my family, or in other times we go to the stadium. We are fans of “sporting club Universidad Catolica” and yesterday we were very angry and disappointed because the club had an option to libertador cup, and they lost de opportunity.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My favourite piece of technology...

Nowadays, I love my I pod, it´s the best!!!
Before I was very happy with my MP3, it had all that I needed, like music, voice record and games. I used it many years, maybe five years, but when I knew the iPod touch, it was great, my life changed because it has many things that I can do. The principal is listening to music.
Also I can play games, use internet, check my mail, take photograph, record videos, talk with people that have ipod or iphone, and a lot of things more. To get new applications, I had to create an account on Itunes, and then I can download all the applications that I want, some of these are free but there are others that I have to pay for.

My I pod was a Christmas gift, my boyfriend decided to give it to me because he knew that the first time I saw it, I loved it. I have it from December, and I use it every day, and many times in the day because I usually check my e-mail, see the time, or listen to music. I think it is very similar to my cell phone, but the things that I can do with my ipod are more useful and entertaining.

I like to listen to music very much with this because it has hundreds of songs, and I can do many lists and select the songs that I want to listen to.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Nip Tuck v/s Prison Break

In this moment I can´t choose only one Tv show, because I love two!!

They are Nip Tuck and Prison Break, these are my favourite...

First I watched Nip Tuck, many years ago, I was still in school,  and in the fox channel they showed this northamerican series and I loved it from the first time. The story is about two medical doctors, Christian Troy and Sean McNamara, they are plastic surgeons and they have an aesthetic clinic, in this they treat many case where the bioethics plays a important role, for example sometimes they have to operate people that sell drugs, or women obsessed with beauty, or people that violate children...  each episode shows procedures of one or more patients, and it also features the personal and professional lives.

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 The other tv show, Prison break, is northamerican too, I remember my mother brought it home, maybe five years ago. I watched  it, and I didn´t stop watching it to the end all the seasons. It´s about Michael Scofield, he has a brother in prison, his mane is Lincoln Burrons and he was sentenced to death. They are the protagonists of the Tv show.
Michael tries to save Lincoln and take him out of prison, and to achieve this, he plans a escape, but first he steals a bank  to meet his brother in prison.  Scofield, before entering  prison, tattooed on his body all the keys that he thought were neccesary to escape. this is how  this series begins...

Both series are very different, but they are very interesting, you should watch them!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


 PubMed is a career-related website, I chose this website because it`s very useful, fast and free.

On this website you can find much information about medical and odontology topics. There is scientific evidence to support your homework and opinions from university and your clinical practice. There are full texts, abstracts, and sometimes only titles.

For the teachers it`s very important, for example if you do a homework with bibliographical references probably you would get a better mark than if you don`t include them.

When I started using it, it was difficult and boring, but nowadays it`s easier and faster than before. I usually visit this website because I have to do much homework and I have to look for the updated information. I don`t like to spend much time there because it isn’t entertaining and I don’t enjoy it, but sometimes it`s necessary.

I think that there are millions of papers in PubMed, you only have to know which words are necessary, you can search with the keywords or “mesh terms”. These last are more useful because they narrow down the search and you don’t need to check thousands of papers. There is another application for narrowing down the search even more, it`s the “limits”, there you can choose the type of article, language, species, gender, age and year of publishing.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is the music very important for me????

Mmmm, I definitely think that it´s something important in life, it's a component that cheers life very much ...

I exactly don´t remember which group was my favourite in my childhood, but I loved Pablito Ruiz when I was a child, but currently I don´t like him. About 2 years ago I went to a party and he sang his new songs, It was very boring!

Nowadays my favourite group is Coldplay, Placebo and Keane, and about singers I like Madonna, Robbie Williams.When they visit Chile to do a concert, I always try to go. I think that these people can´t come usually here, so I have to see them. I remember that I listened to Madonna many years ago, because at home my family listened to her in the 90´s and from this time that I like it. When she was here for the concert of the Hard Candy Album, I had to wait a long time to get a ticket, but the concert was incredible, I couldn't forget it.

In general I think that I prefer pop music, I add Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, and Bob Sinclair to the list, and a different group that I like is Ska-p, my boyfriend influences to me, because he always listens to them, and when they came here we went to see them.

Also I like romantic music like Pablo Herrera, Alberto Plaza, ManĂ¡ and Alanis Morissette,  amoung others.

The video is my favourite Madonna`s song!