Sunday, April 24, 2011


 PubMed is a career-related website, I chose this website because it`s very useful, fast and free.

On this website you can find much information about medical and odontology topics. There is scientific evidence to support your homework and opinions from university and your clinical practice. There are full texts, abstracts, and sometimes only titles.

For the teachers it`s very important, for example if you do a homework with bibliographical references probably you would get a better mark than if you don`t include them.

When I started using it, it was difficult and boring, but nowadays it`s easier and faster than before. I usually visit this website because I have to do much homework and I have to look for the updated information. I don`t like to spend much time there because it isn’t entertaining and I don’t enjoy it, but sometimes it`s necessary.

I think that there are millions of papers in PubMed, you only have to know which words are necessary, you can search with the keywords or “mesh terms”. These last are more useful because they narrow down the search and you don’t need to check thousands of papers. There is another application for narrowing down the search even more, it`s the “limits”, there you can choose the type of article, language, species, gender, age and year of publishing.


  1. Hello Nadia!

    You must teach me how to use Pubmed right now!!!...jaja...Only once in class they taught me how to search but then, i did not come to use the site, and i forgot how do it.


  2. It is a great website... I try and try but I dont understand how to use it :(
    I was searching something like this, and now that I have it I only need to learn

  3. Great website, it's so necessary when you need to know about something. In my second year at university I discovered that google don't know everything xD
