Friday, June 3, 2011

Books, more than words!

Clearly I remember the book that I read for first time, it was “Papelucho Historiador”, I was in the school and the history´s teacher gave us the book, it have been the book most boring that I have read, then when in language we had to read something it was difficult because in this time I didn´t like to read.

Went many years where I read only the books that my teachers send me, I only read for obligation. But when I was fourteen I was in other school and obviously with others teachers and the language´s teacher sent us many book for read, and in this years I knew some authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Fran Kafka, and their books were more interesting for me and I decided to read more books.

When Harry Potter was fashionable, I remember I wanted to read the first book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", it was very entertaining and then I bought the next book, until the fourth. Also I went to the cinema when the film was premiered. These books were the first books that I read because I wanted and not for school obligation.

One of my favorites books is “The perfume” by the germany Paul Suskind, the book is about of a murderer, his mane is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, he was born with a special olfactory sense, and he wants to create the perfume finest of the world, the best scent, which Grenouille finds in a young woman named Laure whom his acute sense of smell finds in a garden.

Also my favorite author is Isabel Allende, I love her books, they are very entertaining, when I start to read some of her books I don’t stop until finish it. The last book that I read was “La isla bajo el mar”, it´s a very good story!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading "La isla bajo el mar" now! Don't tell what happens!! xD
